Arch Angels of South floridaA Catholic Community of Home Schooling Families |
The ARCH Angels of South Florida is an association of Catholic homeschooling families throughout South Florida that are committed to their faith as a way of life. Our Mission Statement encompasses our values and beliefs. ARCH Angels continues to serve and grow as the Holy Spirit guides us. Membership varies from beginning homeschoolers to veterans, religious, alumni and anyone discerning homeschooling. Many families join prior to their children reaching school age. We are committed to being a domestic church and leading each other to holiness and heaven. The means by which we accomplish this are the sacraments, formation, weekly and monthly educational and spiritual activities, and social activities for both children and adults. Our Mission Statement:ARCH Angels of South Florida, Inc. is a community that promotes Catholic family life for families who choose to educate their children at home. We are committed to helping families grow in holiness so that they may become witnesses of love and life in their families, parishes, and the world. We believe that homeschooling is a channel through which God’s grace is helping to form holy families. The foundation and guiding principle of all ARCH Angels functions and activities is its fidelity to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, in communion with the Holy Father and our bishop. ARCH Angels consecrates all its activities to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary in union with St. Joseph. It is our firm belief that homeschooling is a vibrant, positive, and challenging way of life. Homeschooling allows mothers and fathers the opportunity to instill the Truths of our Catholic faith as the base of knowledge from which all other learning flows. ARCH Angels membership is open to families of all faiths interested in homeschooling, with the understanding that we are faithful to the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church. |
Section 1.
We believe that every family has the God-given mandate and responsibility for the education of their children (whether they choose to educate their children at home or in a traditional school) and should have these rights protected by law, regardless of their philosophy of education or religious affiliation.
Section 2.
Trusting to the working of the Holy Spirit in all believers, we affirm that all individual family member home schools are completely autonomous in their activities and are not responsible to ARCH Angels of South Florida, Inc. for their individual organization or management, and thereby will not be regulated by ARCH Angels.
Section 3. Goals
A. To seek a deeper learning and living out of the Catholic faith by:
1. Promoting the Catechism of the Catholic Church as the ultimate resource for authentic Catholic teachings.
2. Promoting the Sacred Tradition of the Catholic Church (e.g. Papacy, Scripture, Blessed Mother, saints, sacraments, salvation by faith and works).
3. Cultivating a true devotion to Mary and the Saints.
4. Promoting family prayer (e.g. rosary, novenas, church devotions, Scripture study).
5. Encouraging frequent attendance at Mass, reconciliation and perpetual adoration.
6. Providing spiritually-oriented group activities (e.g. group Masses, retreats, rosaries).
B. To establish an intimate community of families whose goal is:
1. To develop a passionate love for Christ.
2. To be consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, in union with St. Joseph.
3. Loyalty to the Pope and the Magisterium of the Church.
4. To become leaven within the community.
C. To provide personal support and encouragement by:
1. Establishing a network of parents dedicated to encourage and to build each other up.
2. Providing a relaxed, trusting environment where members can share challenges as well as successes.
3. Assisting one another through practical suggestions and ideas on how to lighten the load in our daily struggles (i.e. setting goals, planning, organizational hints, avoiding burnout, and discipline).
4. Providing communication through our forum, meetings, and e-mail.
D. To promote Catholic homeschooling resources:
In order to make our homeschooling truly Catholic, ARCH Angels will make itself available to aid families in selecting Catholic materials and resources, when requested.
To learn more please read our by-laws.