This way of life was given to us by Fr. Jordi Rivero while on our Annual Mothers’ Retreat in March 2009. We place them here because they speak volumes about who it is we are striving to be as Catholic families who have chosen to home educate our children and journey the road to heaven in this particular lifestyle. Let’s encourage each other to soak them in, embrace them and live lives pleasing to the Lord!
“In the center of this way of life is God, infinite love, this great fire of love …
The Lord desires for us to come into His heart, and all the other elements
that I am going to mention, we can see them like spokes in the wheel that all center into this love.
The purpose of all of them is to draw us into this love, and all are deeply interrelated …
These are the essential elements that I see that our life needs to have, and …
the number is not necessarily by priority. They are all important.”
~ Fr. Jordi Rivero
Our first thought in the morning is praising the Lord.
Keep a daily appointment with God.
Listen to the Lord; read your Bible.
Be docile to the Holy Spirit.
Don’t desire to be what you are not.
Your state of life is your path to holiness.
Your daily duties are your spirituality and are pleasing to God.
This is God’s design for all humanity, despite human frailty.
God continues to shepherd us and care for us through the Church.
Be fully faithful to the Magisterium; do not pick and choose.
Every home needs a Catechism of the Catholic Church (book).
Read good books: (the fathers of the church, the lives of the saints, solid orthodox authors).
Seek formation to nourish yourselves.
Spend time with Jesus in the Eucharist, giving Him time to strengthen you.
Make a Holy Hour once a week; schedule it.
Make Sunday Mass a family time to go to die and be reborn each week.
Jesus’ last words were, “Behold your Mother;” she is really important.
Just like our children need a mom, we do, as well; she wants to mother us.
Consecrate your life to Mary; renew it each morning (St. Louis de Montfort method)
God is humble; He became man.
All of our gifts are from God; give Him honor and glory.
Do not try to draw attention to yourself in actions or conversations.
A Life of Simplicity
*Less is more, especially with technology.
*Two lovers do not want company; be in love with God.
St. Therese, from her convent cell, became patroness of missions.
Pray the Kingdom of God comes to your heart, your family, and the world.
Witness to the world; don’t be embarrassed to be Christian.
Pray for your community and be grateful for it; do not criticize.
Your community is your parish, and it is ARCHAngels, as well.
Community nourishes us with the vision of the Church.
This is like a soul mate, someone who tells you the truth.
First, it is your spouse, then someone else advanced in the spiritual life.
Talk to your spouse, as well; honor and respect them.
The enemy makes us tired of giving, of serving.
When we rest, it’s only to gain energy and strength to continue to serve.
There is no equity in this; do not compare yourself to others.
We cannot avoid the Cross; Christianity is not a fantasy.
The injustices, evil, and obstacles are a result of the sin in humanity.
Embrace it with love; offer it to Jesus; it is an opportunity to show our love.
Recognize we are sinners; present our sins to the Lord.
He loves us so much, we shouldn’t be afraid; the Cross already saved us.
Do examination of conscience every night.
Record what the Lord tells you, so you won’t forget, and your resolutions.
Treasure deeply what the Lord tells you and look back on it regularly.
If the Lord gives you words for others, share with them.
Evaluate Your Priorities
*Evaluate how you are keeping your priorities.
*Make changes only in prayer, not at the spur of the moment.
“These are not things in themselves.
They all are connected to the center:
God, my Lord, my Jesus, my Savior.
Through all these means,
I want to give my life completely to you. Amen.”
~ Fr. Jordi Rivero